Friday, 31 May 2024

Positive and negative aspects of our school system


Written by Flavio A., Alessandro S., Lorenzo S., Ikhlase L., Domenico G., Daniel C.

A positive aspect of our school is the timetable from Monday to Friday from 7.50 to 1.50 p.m. because when lessons finish we have time to do sport, to relax and do homework. 

A system where students are appreciated when they behave positively.

Written by Gregorio U., Gabriele T., Asia M., Angelica P., Sebastiano V.

We think that the IT lab is the best part of our school because it is useful, it is entertaining since all the world is based on technology, but in Italy we have still to deepen our knowledge in this sector. Now we are using “sketch up” which programs in 3D (like Scratch) in a course financed by a resilience national plan which has the aim to help female students to cope better with Technology, Science, Maths, Art.

In the Italian school system they must add more entertaining projects: for example by playing and learning together. If I were a teacher, I would give 20 minutes of relax and play together and then another 20 minutes where you have to repeat the topics and then let the kids play with Wordwall. This way the kids will learn more than normal.

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Presentation of the jigsaw about human rights

Written by Gabriele T., Sebastiano V., Asia M., Angelica P., Gregorio U.
Yesterday, 27th May 2024, we organized an event to commemorate the convention UN about the rights of children and adolescents where each class of the school prepared a jigsaw about the rights: 1. Right to physical and psychological upbringing 2. Right to protection from violence, exploitment, abuse 3. Right to education 4. Right to family 5. Right to opinion 6. Right to freedom of thinking and religion 7. Right to nationality 8. Right to protection from war, macis, discrimination 9. Right to free time, playing A small group from each class presented the jigsaw on the basketball court. As you can see in the photos we created a frame joining our hands and we listened to “All together” song and “We are the world”. We presented the jigsaw on the 27th May because we commemorate the event of the signature of the convention in Italy which happened on 27th May 1991.
Rosa e Beige Moderno Trucco Elegante Bellezza Outro di YouTube

eTwinning live conference

Written by Gregorio U., Sebastiano V., Asia M., Angelica P., Sebastiano V., Flavio A., Daniel C., Lorenzo S., Alessandro S.

 Yesterday, 27th May, we met on the Twinspace at 12 p.m. to discuss about school systems, differences, and finally we sang a song in all the 5 languages of the project: Greek, Spanish, Slovakian, Italian and French. It has been a unique opportunity to know how school works abroad. We took notes about other school systems to compare them and find out what is good in our school system and what we would like to introduce. 

The song that we sang together enhance the differences among countries and multilingualism. We used English to communicate throughout the project but the differences in our mothertongues should be highlighted too and we respect them since we understood that it is the base of being part of a united Europe

Listen to our fantastic song:

Everyone was very excited and we enjoyed this time together.


Here you can see a schema where we took notes during the conference about the questions we had previously shared on the forum of the Twinspace 


Sunday, 19 May 2024

Green countries in the project

We asked each other questions on the forum to introduce ourselves and our schools at the beginning of the project. We created a poll on the question "How do you get to school?". We had the idea to elect the "greenest country". 


We are not very green since most of us (9 people out of 11) come to school by car. Sestri Levante is a quite big town near the sea, but we all live far from school and our homes are on the hills surrounding the town. In some cases the school bus doesn't arrive there. Since these areas are not very inhabited the public service of means of transport doesn't operate here very much: there are only 5/6 public busses arriving there during all the day. Italy is not so green, but maybe in the future we hope to do better.

Maybe the areas where you live have better services. 

Monday, 13 May 2024

Photo of the eTwinning class: "Journalist for my school"

 These are two different results of the photo of all the protagonists  of this eTwinning project that we created all together. In one version we are in graduation outfit and in the other one we chose our look. 

Thanks to you all for this wonderful recollection. 

Documentation and assessment

 The project is going to end soon. We have been happy and eager to collaborate. Students filled in a questionnaire to give an anonymous fee...