Tuesday 28 May 2024

Presentation of the jigsaw about human rights

Written by Gabriele T., Sebastiano V., Asia M., Angelica P., Gregorio U.
Yesterday, 27th May 2024, we organized an event to commemorate the convention UN about the rights of children and adolescents where each class of the school prepared a jigsaw about the rights: 1. Right to physical and psychological upbringing 2. Right to protection from violence, exploitment, abuse 3. Right to education 4. Right to family 5. Right to opinion 6. Right to freedom of thinking and religion 7. Right to nationality 8. Right to protection from war, macis, discrimination 9. Right to free time, playing A small group from each class presented the jigsaw on the basketball court. As you can see in the photos we created a frame joining our hands and we listened to “All together” song and “We are the world”. We presented the jigsaw on the 27th May because we commemorate the event of the signature of the convention in Italy which happened on 27th May 1991.
Rosa e Beige Moderno Trucco Elegante Bellezza Outro di YouTube

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